
Women Tinkerers

Hidden History You won’t find much about women tinkerers in print but you can be assured that they are out there somewhere. The instinct to tinker doesn’t seem to be gender specific but there are lots of cultural factors affecting how it is manifested in women. Years ago, girl’s traditional childhood toys were paper dolls and sewing kits, […]

Little Jewel Pocket Computer

Talking with computers: The Second Step In the very early 1960s the computers were huge and were perceived to have superhuman powers. The book, Giant Brains and How they Think was very popular. Futurists made wild predictions about how these giant brains would solve the unsolved and, maybe one day, win at chess. However, there was a problem. […]

Benefits of Process Documentation

Question: We know what we do. Why do we need to document it? Our project team was together around the table at our weekly Brown Bag lunch. That’s where we catch up with each other and share our ideas and concerns. George, our team’s work estimator and planner, brought up a subject that had been bothering him. He […]

Planning by Checklist

Checklists Power Paul’s Success Several people told me I had to meet and talk with Paul. Paul is an exceptional project manager in a government contractor organization. In the past eight years he has successfully run more than 80 projects all of which have been on-time, on budget, and highly praised by his clients. I was happy catch […]

Prepare for Titanic Problems

Think your project is unsinkable? So did the Titanic’s Captain. Problems Don’t Add Up: They Multiply If you remember Murphy’s Law, “If anything can go wrong, it will” then you realize why you should do risk analysis for your projects.  You also need to remember the crucial addition to Murphy’s Law: “… and it will go wrong at […]

The Project Manager’s Mirror

At a local Pawn shop I saw something that was labeled “Project Manager’s Mirror”.  The manager said that it was quite old and had some remarkable powers. First, it could talk. Second, it always told the truth. This sounded interesting and the shop owner wasn’t asking much so I bought it and took it home and hung it […]

Stories Help Us Succeed

Stories Help Us Succeed You want your team to succeed but helping them learn how can be difficult. Standard practices and procedures can ensure consistency but can’t guarantee success. Every project is unique, and the standard practices don’t always fit the situations that arise. Stories about your work stimulate curiosity. Team members will seldom read procedure manuals, but […]

Blog Post Title

What goes into a blog post? Helpful, industry-specific content that: 1) gives readers a useful takeaway, and 2) shows you’re an industry expert. Use your company’s blog posts to opine on current industry topics, humanize your company, and show how your products and services can help people.